Registration Fees Child Form

Adding an Event Registration Fee creates the Registration Fee Profile. The name of the fee titles the Profile page. Click the goto arrow on the price record in the registration fees and prices grandchild form on the Events Profile to display the Registration Fee Profile page.

Additional Registration Fees can be added to an event from the Fees tab on the Events Profile page. The Fees can be added two ways:

  1. Adding a New Product Code
  2. Adding an Additional Fee to an Existing Product Code

Note: The most common additional fees are member or non-member fees.

Price Attributes


netFORUM price attributes enable you to make a price of a product available for only certain types of customers. Clicking the [add price attributes] link opens the Add Price Attributes page, which allows you to set a price for all the various attributes.

This topic covers using the Add Price Attributes page.

Adding Price Attributes

  1. Follow the path listed above. Click the [add price attributes] link. The Add Price Attributes page opens.
  2. Fill in the fields in the Product Price Attribute section as described in the table below:
    Field Name RequiredDescription
    price nameRequiredThis field defaults to the name of the parent fee or price.
    attribute codeOptionalThis field default to the code of the parent fee or price.
    default rate - always availableOptionalCheck this box if you want this price to be the default price
    start dateOptionalEnter or select the date that this price becomes valid. Date ranges are normally set up for special promotions or prices.
    end dateOptionalEnter or select the date that this price becomes invalid. Date ranges are normally set up for special promotions or prices.
    source codeOptionalAssign a source code to track marketing materials to see how well they drove people in for the sale.
  3. Fill in the fields in the Membership Attributes section as described in the table below:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    memberOptionalSelect Member or Non-Member.
    member typeOptionalIf you want the restrict this price to a certain member type, select that member type from the drop-down list.
    member statusOptionalIf you want the restrict this price to a certain member status, select that member status from the drop-down list.
  4. Fill in the fields in the Customer Attributes section as described in the table below. Depending on your choices below you will see some, but not all of the fields in the table below:
    Field Name RequiredDescription
    customer typeOptionalSelect Individual, Organization or Chapter/Affiliate.
    individual typeOptionalSelect the type of Individual who will receive this price.
    org typeOptionalSelect the type of Organization that will receive this price.
    non-profitOptionalSelect Non-Profit or For Profit.
    committeeOptionalSelect a committee that will receive this special price.
    mailing listOptionalSelect a mailing list that will receive this special price.
    recognition levelOptionalSelect a recognition level at which customer will receive the special price.
  5. If you want to restrict the pricing by region, fill in the fields in the Location Attributes section as described in the table below:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    cityOptionalEnter the city that will receive the special price.
    state/territoryOptionalSelect the state or territory that will receive the special price.
    countyOptionalEnter the county that will receive the special price.
    regionOptionalSelect the region that will receive the special price.
    countryOptionalSelect the country that will receive the special price.
    zip code startOptionalEnter a single zip code or a range.
    zip code endOptionalEnter a single zip code or a range.
    attribute 1OptionalCustom field not currently in use
    attribute 2OptionalCustom field not currently in use
  6. Fill in the fields in the Additional Attributes section as described in the table below:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    related discount programOptionalSelect a discount program from the drop-down list.
    requires ceu typeOptionalSelect a CEU type for which this price is valid.
  7. Click the Save button to add a Price Attribute to the child form and return to the Profile.
    Click the Cancel button to return to the Profile without saving the Price Attribute.

Event Registration Fee Scenario

Problem:Registration fees are not appearing for national members who are not members of the Chapter but they are registering for a Chapter meeting. In this scenario, the member is forced to pay the same registration fee as a national non-member.

Why? When setting up the event, the association added different registration fees for non-members and members of the chapter. In this scenario, the registrant is neither a member nor a non-member. Since she or he is a member of the national organization, his or her membership flag is set to yes, making the registrant ineligible for the non-member fee. However, the registrant is not a member of the chapter, so he or she is also ineligible for the (chapter) member fee. So netFORUM presents only the national non-member fee to this registrant.

Solution: Use the following steps to modify the Price Attributes for the Chapter event, non-member registration fee.

  1. Use the path above to go to the Event Profile.
  2. Once you are on the Profile page, go to the Fees tab > Registration Fees child form.
  3. Find the non-member registration fee and open the grandchild form by clicking the folder icon. The Price grandchild form opens.
  4. Click the folder icon on the Price grandchild form to open the Price Attributes great-grandchild form.
  5. On the Price Attributes great-grandchild form, click the [add price attributes] link to open the Add - Price Attributes page.
  6. Follow all the steps in the Adding Price Attributes section, making sure you select Memberin the member field.
  7. Click the Save button to apply your price-attribute changes.

Note: Though the chapter members are now eligible for two event registration fees, eWeb automatically selects the lowest price available if it is configured in the LowestPriceOnly system option.